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We can really feel the change in the season now, the days are getting warmer and longer but winter loves to cling on for as long as possible, with its occasional fresh cold days.
Its such an incredible time to be in the garden, as you can almost hear the plants growing. Many of the herbs come to life again after a wintery slumber, and shoots and leaves are appearing everywhere.

We have been so lucky to have the help of two lovely friends Zevi and Fikile, (who have an internship at Imbeleko), they have been able to come once a week to learn and help with some of the work on our small herb farm. We would like to thank Imbeleko Foundation for the opportunity to help train these incredible interns.
There has been much harvesting, cleaning and storing of roots and seeds. We would have battled to have processed all our seed stock, so we are so grateful for the extra hands! 
We have had a good harvest of a couple of varieties of heirloom climbing beans, Chia, amaranth, turmeric, galangal, beans and the herbs seeds. 
Each plant comes with its own individual characteristics and energy, so handling and sorting seeds is such a wonderful way to connect with the energy and properties of each herb, seed or root. 

We get so excited at this time of year here in Kwa- Zulu Natal South Africa!. The rains begin to fall and this ignites the magical mycelium that has been patiently waiting to explode into action! This is the beginning of the mushroom season!

We really do get so excited!

We have some wonderful fungi on our farm, edible, active and medicinal, and we get to eat wild mushrooms a few times a week during the rainy season. We will be posting and sharing some of our favorite mushrooms around our house. 
We believe that the best medicine comes from being close to nature and when you are foraging for plants or fungi, one really switches into a different frequency, where nature really speaks and you are fully connecting to nature. 
We really encourage everyone to get outside and see what different fungi you can find and record. There are local Mycological groups to assist, plus some really nice field guides out there to help with identification.

We also recently hosted another "Eat Your Weeds" workshop, first of the spring season, and it was so wonderful to have a lovely group of people come and learn about the incredibly rich, diverse selection of wild edible plants, that are freely available, heirloom, organic and incredibly nutritious!

Always remember to be 100% certain before you eat any wild mushrooms! Positive identification really can be a matter of life or death! 

Thanks for taking the time to read our latest news, please keep following our story and stay connected as we all collectively move towards creating a better world, in which we honor and nurture our incredible bodies and our beautiful Mother Earth.

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Previous news...

Welcome back!

We are starting to hear the first whispers of spring! We saw our dear yellow billed kites circling in the sky today, returning from their northern migration, this is always a sign that the season is starting to  turn. Exciting stuff!


Again its been a busy couple of months. We have recently completed another round of the Grow a New Body program, which is always an incredible experience of bonding and sharing experiences with people as they go through this transformative one month program.
Kaz facilitates these wonderful programs and is very supportive and caring as she guides the group through the four weeks with thorough attention to detail, working through everyone's needs and concerns. 
The program is about breaking unhealthy food addictions, wiping your health slate clean and creating new beautiful healthy habits, which really add value to your entire being, physically and spiritually

We have recently completed another round of the Grow a New Body program, which is always a

A little bit about the Grow a New Body Program.....
The Grow a New Body program was developed by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, who has more than 25 years experience, and is also a psychologist and Shaman. Dr. Villoldo studied the healing practices of the Amazon and Andean Shamans while living amongst these medicine men and woman. He discovered that you can repair your brain and heal your body in as little as a week by re-activating your cellular detox and free-radical scavenging systems that have shut down with age and turn on your health and longevity proteins (Sirt1 genes).
The shamans found that they could grow a new body that allowed them to live in extraordinary health. They learned how to switch off the “death clock” inside every cell, and turn on the “immortality” genes that reside in password-protected regions of our DNA. The shamans of old were truly masters of prevention. Grow a New Body offers shamanic practices alongside cutting-edge science, detox strategies, and power-plant foods that can switch-on every cell’s ability to regenerate and repair.
This program is a powerful blend of spiritual philosophy and scientific principles woven into the perfection of a practical formula for everyday living. 

It is our dream that we can take this program into our rural areas and all over our province and country to teach people about connecting to the old ways of life and of healthy eating, where the food is wholesome and clean, and the doctrine of eating three meals a day doesn't have to be that way, we really can heal ourselves and our country if we can change how and what we eat. 
We need to consider the children, the leaders of the future. It really is scary to see what a lot of children's diets are comprised of these days. It is a wonder the kids even manage to stay focused at school, when the sugars are kicking in, spiking and the negative effects of this. 
Kaz who is a qualified Nutritionist and a living example of someone who has overcome an autoimmune disease, facilitates this one month Grow a New Body (GANB) program. Kaz has been working with this program since 2019 where it changed everything for her, in a positive way.
There have been many people who have gone through this life changing program and have had huge results and now have the tools to incorporate this way of living into their lives.
So if you are feeling sluggish, jaded, bloated or irritable or if you suffer from an auto immune issue look out for the next Grow a New Body Program and have a listen to Kaz's story and how she won her health battles and be inspired to take the challenge and really grow a new body!!
The program can be facilitated remotely, and includes a full months support, a wonderful manual with lovely recipes, exercises and inspiration! 

















It has also been a busy month with Imifino, our community upliftment NPO. We celebrated Madiba day in July at Vumelani Children's center, which was our pilot food garden project, it was so wonderful to be planting seedlings with the little ones again!.
We have also been finishing off the installation of the seed house and rain tanks at Molweni, its all coming together so nicely, we have started  planting heirloom seeds, and the rain tanks are collecting these early spring rains, its very exciting!

We are also incredibly privileged and so excited to have been asked to assist on a beautiful piece of land in Kwanyuswa. The vision for this project is incredible and we can see that this will involve organic food farming and food production but also music, yoga, healing and crafting. The vision is to develop a holistic center used for training and developing skills around farming, horticulture, herbalism and product development, but also branching into arts and crafts.
These type of centers can really change the way things are in South Africa!
We will keep you updated as to how we progress. 















Life on Moontree Farm has been busy too, Matt and the guys have been really focusing on making compost over the past few months and getting pretty excited to get this fresh 'black gold' into the ground and get seriously planting in time for the spring rains. It just seems that there is never enough hours in the day! 
We hope that everyone else is getting ready for the next season of growth and transformation. The last full supermoon has just passed, giving us another opportunity to surrender and release all the things that no longer serve us, things that we hold onto, which we can be let go of...lets flow with nature, connect deeply with our dear Mother earth, plant a seed or one hundred and watch nature unfold.
And most importantly....breathe deeply and be grateful for every moment of this wonderous life!


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